Want your product to reach thousands of developers?

You can sponsor my newsletter and help me with my mission to continue creating content online as well as showcasing your product to iOS developers.

Book a slot for 2024

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How much does it cost?
  • Sponsored slot in 1 issue: 1000 €.
  • Pack of 4 sponsored slots: 3500 €, saving a whole 500 €!
What's in it for you?
  • A sponsored slot in the email newsletter.
  • A sponsored slot in the web version of the newsletter forever.
  • A shoutout in the tweet that goes out with the issue.
  • A shoutout in the LinkedIn post that goes out with the issue.
  • A permanent place in the previous sponsor section of this page.
  • A highly customisable component where you pick the image, content and colours to match your brand.
What do sponsored slots look like?


Showcase your best work with stunning QR Codes

QReate is a privacy-first app that allows you to create stunning QR Codes that will work forever!

You can see it in context in any of the site's articles.
Some stats about the newsletter
  • 1.9k+ email subscribers.
  • 50+ issues released so far.
  • 74% average open rate.