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Issue 31


Introducing Rollbacks by Runway

Undo a bad native app release with a single click. Cut out all the lead time needed to investigate and implement a fix, get builds compiled and uploaded, and make it through the store review process.

Let’s rest and plan for the new year!

Friday was my last day of work for the year as I decided to book next week and the few days between Christmas and New Year off.

This year has been great professionally but it has also been very stressful and overwhelming at times.

Between speaking at several conferences, keeping up with weekly articles and fortnightly newsletter issues, a full-time job, a country move and starting a new role, I haven’t had a single week off where I could fully disconnect from everything.

I love what I do so I sometimes feel guilty expressing how stressed I sometimes get, but I was very relieved Dave Verwer also spoke about this in the latest issue of iOS Dev Weekly. It was a read I really needed as I could relate with everything Dave was saying and I was inspired to tell my own story too! 🎉

On top of this, this year has been the hardest of my life personally and everything combined has made me take some much-needed rest to recharge batteries for the new year.

Having said this, worry not as there will still be articles over the next two weeks on my blog and a newsletter issue on the 31st, but I will finish getting them all ready tomorrow so I can relax for the whole Christmas break! 🎅🎄

☁️ 25 hours of Xcode Cloud now included with the Apple Developer Program

Xcode Cloud’s free tier of 25 compute hours per month, which was scheduled to disappear in January 2024, will now be included with the Apple Developer Program membership 🎉.

⚙️ Configure your GitHub repositories using yaml files

In this article, Roger Oba goes through how you can configure GitHub repositories using yaml config files. This is a great way to sync settings across multiple repositories and streamline the creation and configuration of new ones.

I had no idea you could do this and will be using it from now on 🤯.

📦 Distributing Swift macros using CocoaPods

I have recently been digging into the build side of Swift macros and how they can be distributed and imported without using Swift Package Manager.

In this week’s article on my blog, I go through how you can leverage binaries to distribute and import a Swift macro using CocoaPods.

🎅 Get your releases ready for Christmas!

As the festive time of the year approaches again, I would like to remind you that, while Apple still accepts app submissions, they say that reviews may take a bit longer to complete from December 22nd to December 27th.

For this reason, I would recommend you to plan accordingly if there is something big you’d like to release before the end of the year!

🚀 A new version of the artifacts action is out!

GitHub announced a couple of days ago that a new version (v4) of the first-party actions/upload-artifact and actions/download-artifact actions is available.

⚠️ While this release includes some performance improvements, it also includes some breaking changes so I would thoroughly encourage you to read the full release notes before going through with the update!

✨ Using Emerge Tools on CI/CD to optimise your app’s size

If you have been a subscriber of this newsletter for some time now you will know that I am a big fan of the work that the people at Emerge Tools are doing and how their tools help optimise mobile applications.

In this article in the Codemagic blog, Himesh Panchal goes through how you can set up and run Emerge Tools’ checks on a CI/CD workflow.